The Integrated Man - Kelowna Men's Group

"A space for men seeking growth, connection, and empowerment. Our community is dedicated to fostering holistic well-being, where men explore personal development, share experiences, and embrace their journey towards mental, emotional, and spiritual integration. Join us as we grow from life's challenges, celebrate successes, and support each other on the path to becoming the best possible versions of ourselves".

We meet bi-weekly at Invati Yoga Kelowna. Meetings consist of guided discussion that remain fluid to the needs of the moment while offering useful knowledge from the worlds of psychology, eastern mysticism, and the experiences of one another.  

Your host: Mykhaylo Petrynyak.

Mykhaylo is a man of many passions. He has recently acquired his Masters degree in Counselling Psychology and plans to use this knowledge to help guide others in the same pursuit that has dominated his own life: how to break free from conditioned maladaptive patterns of thought and action and step into a truly conscious, integrated mode of being as a man in the modern world. In other words, How to become the greatest version of yourself regardless of the obstacles that life has presented. 


Mykhaylo's life has involved nomadic travel, finding personal meaning from suffering and grief, building a business, transcendent experiences through psychedelics, surrendering into the guidance of intuition, committing to a greater purpose, and moving from Ontario with nothing but a room rental, some saved money, and a dream of building an incredible life in an incredible place. 

Mykhaylo believes that the greatest asset we all have is each other. When men come together with the unified purpose of evolving, incredible things will happen.


Candlelit Sound Bath