Your Body Speaks

Your Body Speaks: Cultivating a strong relationship between you and your body to live your truest self!

Your body is miraculous, consistently working at living in its highest health & vitality! It’s always communicating with you. Are you listening? Do you hear its guidance? 

Physical symptoms & signals = Body communication system

It’s time to move out of external validation & into internal wisdom. Want to feel good, have the energy to create your best life, enjoy life’s experiences & all it has to offer you?

Join Kelsey in “Your Body Speaks” & bring yourself back into harmony with your body. 

In this workshop you will experience how to stop your body’s autopilot from being stuck in habitual loops of old ways of coping. You will begin to reprogram your body to relate to who you are now & who you are choosing to become. 

During this 3 hr workshop you will receive teachings & be guided through exercises for you to learn how to:

  • Live in harmony with your body & get to know its needs so you can live the best version of you!

  • Know your own boundaries. What Yes & No feel like in your body so that you can confidently say no when you mean no. etc.

  • Emotional Awareness: Leverage moments of stress & fear to connect with your own inner resources so you can take actions that align with your true self needs rather than going into fight/flight response. 

  • Program & teach your body: safety, confidence, trust, faith, knowing/intuition, joy, inner peace, calm, limitlessness, love etc. 

  • Shift a bad experience into a good experience - the body's gift of awareness. It’s communicating with you for you to be better & better versions of yourself. It wants you to succeed. It’s here for you, not working against you!

  • Then be guided through a yoga practice to support your body & mind to relate to who you are now & who you want to become.

June 23

At Invati Kelowna

From 2-5pm 

Register HERE now space is limited

Many of us have been disconnected from this communication system. Often we put our physical needs off till later or deny them completely. Rather than living in harmony with our bodies we are creating division. One of the most relatable examples of this is: discomfort & pain in your body due to not enough movement. For example, when you feel discomfort from sitting too long do you get up & move around or just keep working? Are you so distracted by everything in your life that you often put your physical needs aside? Do you put yourself off till later or ignore it all together?

Your body is the vessel you live this life in. Your every moment is experienced through your physical form & mind. Are you living in alignment with your body's needs so you can live as your truest self?

Separating yourself from the symptoms, signs & signals - aka your body's communication system, divides you from your body further & further creating disharmony. Living out of harmony makes it difficult to live your lifestyle you truly want. In fact, it makes it increasingly more difficult the more you look outside of yourself for things like ‘quick fixes’ to feel better rather than listening for your internal resources that are always guiding you.

Ready to live in harmony with your body? I am here to support you to reconnect with your body’s communication system so that you can live in your highest health & vitality! 

Book space now HERE

Please bring:

Journal & pen

Wear layers as we will be seated & be doing a yoga practice (all levels)


Please arrive 10-15 minutes prior to start time

Have any questions? Contact Kelsey

Kelsey Dawn

Kelsey is a 500 CYA Yoga Instructor, Mentor, Mindset Coach & Shamanic Practitioner. Having trained in Rehabilitation & Disability Studies; Studied with Masters in Ancient Shaminc, Yogic & Buddhist traditions her guidance helps you accelerate your personal growth to live in alignment with your highest self! 

She believes in the power of weaving wisdom teachings into each practice because it is scientifically proven that one can accelerate the changes they desire to make in their lives by re-wiring them into the brain while doing physical movement. Create the life you dream of through intention and as an act of power & love in these high vibe yoga classes! It's the universal law of resonance! Let's Rise & Shine!


SOMA BREATH Energized Meditation